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Creative Therapy


Art as Therapy Sessions

I'm trained as a Creative Therapy Practitioner (MNCP) with many years of experience working for an Intensive Intervention Team. I offer weekly 1-1 Creative Therapy sessions at £50 per hour for those hoping to improve their mental health and wellbeing, and my clients range from 6 year olds to 60 year olds. These sessions aim be a creative sanctuary away from the busy pace of life. A moment of self care and healing for yourself. A place for you to explore your deepest emotions through the medium of paint, whilst talking about your feelings to someone safe and confidential over a cup of rose cacao or tea.


For more info, please text me on 07986460011. 

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My Art Therapy Webinar
An Online course in Art Therapy Ideas

Join me for a 2 hour webinar exploring new Art Therapy ideas and how to use it as a form of Creative Communication to heal yourself and others. (Plus a Free Creative Therapy Journal and Certificate!) Also ideal for parents, teachers and other professionals working with difficult teens and children.
Tickets are £12.

< Click here for more info>

Art Therapy Card Deck

25 Challenging emotions with Art therapy ideas 



25 cards which display challenging emotions expressed as abstract paintings. On the reverse side of each card, there are therapeutic art activities to help explore these emotions. The deck is perfect for individual self reflection & personal development. They can also be used with clients in a therapeutic setting or at home or school, as a way of helping shy children to open up, developing good emotional communication & master difficult emotions.


Click here to buy



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